Temple Search
Quest Name: Temple Search
Requirements: Level 25, completed Ancient Amulet quest
50,000 XP
Time Limit: 24 Hours
Reset Timer: 6 Days Reset
Start Location: Chief Ariatah (8.6N 75.8E) in Hakata
Speak to Ariatah.
Ariatah tells you,
"Ha, <playername>! Let us talk. Polauri and
Keranua have told me of your deeds on our behalf. I know Polauri professes
herself to be perplexed by all this talk of an ancient temple in the area, but I
myself may know something more of this. Please let me see the amulet you
received from the Great Tree."
Hand the Shiney Temple Amulet to Ariatah.
![]() |
Shiney Temple Amulet |
Ariatah tells you,
"Oh! I have seen these runes before.... in my
dreams, I think.... We must speak more of this."
Speak to Ariatah until the quest advances stop.
Ariatah tells you,
"Recently I have been troubled by strange dreams.
Dreams of caverns underground. A power resides there, but it is under attack
somehow. My dreams are clouded, and Polauri has not been able to give me clear
sight in this matter."
"I believe these dreams have been sent to me by
the great Tonk spirits, the Animae. I would go on a vision quest to find the
truth, but I cannot -- I have too many responsibilities here in Hakata. I ask
that you go in my stead."
"Please, make the grand circuit of the shrines
of the Animae on Omishan. There are eleven shrines on Omishan. One or another of
the great spirits must have sent me these dreams. Offer the amulet to each
shrine, and return when you have been enlightened."
"Please, make the
grand circuit of the shrines of the Animae on Omishan. There are eleven shrines
on Omishan. One or another of the great spirits must have sent me these dreams.
Offer the amulet to each shrine, and return when you have been enlightened."
Hand the Shiney Temple Amulet to each of the following Shrines until one of them accepts it.
Black Mother Earth (13.5N, 61.0E), Ikeras
Blue Mother Heaven (8.5N,
65.8E), Southern Tou Tou
Ezereth, Great father Sea (7.2S, 72.4E), Shinoko
Great Sister Rain (4.8S, 93.6E), Sanctuary
Hazahtu, The Blind Eye (32.6N,
50.5E), Northwest Naderu
Mother Aundetanga (32.4N, 66.1E), Northeast Naderu
Palenqual (18.5N, 53.4E), Northeast Ariaki
Shrine to Wharu (10.2N, 46.0E),
Eastern Kydi
Great Sister Wind (26.6N, 58.5E), Rakani
Shrine to Brother Tanae
(3.2N, 85.6E), Hakata
Volkama (37.8N, 62.2E), Northeast Naderu
After you give the Shiney Temple Amulet to the correct shrine.
Your sight goes black for a moment. Then your vision slowly clears, and
you see an aerial view of hill near Hakata. Your point of view zooms towards the
hill, and you see a single standing stone at the summit. You rush towards the
stone, through it, and down through layers of earth and rock, until you emerge
into a cavern. The vision ends, and you return to the here and now.
You take
the amulet back from the shrine, but now you feel a sudden urge to touch the
shrine again, as if <shrinename> had more to say.
Now double click the found Shrine
A spark leaps from the shrine to your fings, and a portal appears around you!
You will be teleported to a Carved Menhir. After trying everything possible nothing seems to work to allow you access to the hidden temple, located under the stone. Return to Chief Ariatah (8.6N 75.8E) in Hakata and speak to him.
Ariatah tells you,
"Well done, <playername>!. Now it remains to
explore the temple, and discover what is there that is so important as to
trouble the Moarsmen, the Burun, and the Blind Eye."
"Ah, you wish to learn
how to activate the portal? I think I can tell you what you must do. Simply
speak the name "Hazahtu" as you trace the runes."
The quest will complete and open the next in the series Temple Exploration.
Misc. Information:
Walkthrough by: David/Skinlab and Grudge